Wills, Estate Planning and Administration, and Substitute Decision Making
Planning your will is often a sensitive topic. You need to consider who will look after minor children, what obligations you have to potential beneficiaries, who will manage your Estate after your death, and what directions do you wish to give them. We create a comfortable setting where you can discuss your estate plan based on your unique circumstances, which will provide for the smooth administration of your estate and the avoidance of disputes among your family members. We also assist your family with our estate administration services, and dispute resolution services in contested estates.
Our Estate Planning Services include:
- Examining the obligations you have for your spouse and any minor children or dependent adult children;
- Explaining the impact of dying without a will;
- Looking at your family tree to assist you in determining potential beneficiaries
- Explaining the impact of dying without a will;
- Assisting you in selecting appropriate people to administer your Estate (the Estate Trustee/Executor) and Guardians for your minor children;
- Taking your instructions regarding how you wish to transfer your Estate to your chosen beneficiaries;
- Working with your accountant to minimize the tax impacts of your death on your Estate, by properly structuring the ownership of your assets (including joint ownership, estate freezes, and discretionary trusts);
- Creating trusts for the maintenance and support of your minor children or dependant adult child;
- Explaining the importance of Powers of Attorney for Personal Care and Continuing Powers of Attorney for Property, and the consequences of losing your mental capacity without having properly prepared powers of attorney in place;
- Guardianship Applications to the Superior Court for adults who have lost mental capacity without having Powers of Attorney in place.
- Looking at your family tree to assist you in determining potential beneficiaries
Our Estate Administration Services include:
- Reviewing the estate of your recently passed family member to determine the type of administration required;
- Preparing Applications for Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee;
- Liquidation and conversion of assets, and payment of debts and liabilities;
- Managing administration of an estate on behalf of the Executor;
- The formal Passing of the Accounts of an Estate;
- Working with your accountant to complete Terminal Income Tax returns and Estate Returns;
- Distributing funds as directed by the Will, or by the Succession Law Reform Act; and
- Providing a full report to the Estate Trustees on the administration of the Estate.
Deciding about what happens after your death, or after you have suffered the onset of mental incapacity, is not an easy thing to do, but it is vital to the protection of your family’s best interests. Angus Bickerton will discuss with you all of your options for planning your estate and your substitute decision-making. With more than 20+ years of experience, he is your best choice for all of your Estate Planning and Administration needs.
Call Angus Bickerton today at 613-345-3377 to discuss your case and explore your options, or contact us using this private and secure email form.